Art projects

Art is the key to creativity and also a way to maximize the potential and strengths of children. The visual art, dance, singing, dancing, yoga classes... allowing children to gain access to art subjects in the most natural and exciting way.


During the process of participating in those activities, children are allowed to exercise, think, which is essential for their development. When children are encouraged to express themselves and be bold in creativity, they will develop their ability to explore new horizons - an important skill in their future life. Diverse and rich art projects suitable for each age and interest of the child.


Martial arts and dance classes... help children to train their body to be flexible, develop their height, and help them become smarter because then the nerves of the left hemisphere are reconnected. Children will know how to concentrate, be attentive, how to observe and follow the teacher's instructions. Drawing classes also help children to be more meticulous, skillful and better at color recognition. Drawing also helps children to develop maximum imagination and creativity because each shape they draw are their thoughts. Moreover, chill will know how to think and analyze more sophisticatedly.
Performing art activities are held multiple times a year, mixed with knowledge lessons which will help children not to be overwhelmed, but help them relax and learn more differently. In addition, being encouraged to express themselves in front of people will help children become more confident. Your child's potential is fully exploited, so that he or she can realize what one’s strengths and forte are.